Penis Exercises: Positions and Techniques

Standing – Standing is a great position to exercise your penis in - it’s the ideal way to train your penis to hang lower. In this position, you’re able to easily access the bulb of the penis (pushing it forward with your fingers = Bulb Grip) and the scrotum (pushing it back with your hand = Scrotum Grip), and you’re able to push your hips forward and even squat a bit to allow for fuller ranges of motion within your movements and exercises. (excerpt from The Unlimited Growth Method)



Bending From the Bulb (UGM Hand Technique 2/12): The purpose of Bending From the Bulb is to bring forth more of the internal penis and use the leverage from bending to lengthen the exposed penis from the base. By incorporating the bending technique while simultaneously pushing the bulb forward, you will be creating a fulcrum at the base which will create leverage and allow you to push more of the internal penis outward as you bend the penis at the head. This will also create a stretch on the suspensory ligament just above the base. The technique primarily works on creating more length, but girth can also be enhanced when you combine this exercise with your Kegels and reverse Kegels. (excerpt from The Unlimited Growth Method)


Seated on the edge of a chair – Seated on the edge of the chair is a great option to incorporate in to your penis workout routines. It gives a good alternative to the standing position and allows for different muscle groups to be engaged – it gives the glutes and hamstrings a break and forces you to work on PC squeezes. This position also allows for really good access to the bulb and scrotum as well, giving you new and different angles to push, pull, and bend your penis from. (excerpt from The Unlimited Growth Method)



Hanging in the BTC (between the cheeks) Angle with the UGM Ligament Traction Trainer

Leaning back in a chair is also a very effective position for hanging training. It’s fairly comfortable and creates an angle that allows a good stretch on the ligaments at the top of the base of the penis. Also, as a variation, you can actually increase the intensity of this stretching position by putting your feet up on a table. In the PE (Penis Enlargement) community, this position is referred to as the “BTC Angle” – the “Between the Cheeks Angle”. By changing the angle, by leaning back and putting your feet up on a table, the penis is pulled directly behind you in between your butt cheeks, forcing the hanging weights to stretch different and deeper layers of the ligaments at the top of the base of the penis. Because of this, The BTC Angle is a good variation to cycle in and out of while doing your hanging training in order to target different layers of the ligaments. Do this alongside your standing and sitting variations for maximum results. (excerpt from The Unlimited Growth Method)



Shaft Extenders (UGM Hand Technique 7/12): The Shaft Extender technique is a great exercise to help your penis grow and hang lower. At first glance, it seems like a very basic exercise that probably wouldn't lead to much growth. However, when done with the right understandings of the details of the technique, the movement can create increased engorgement in the end of the shaft and force more more hormone enriched blood to into the glans of the penis. 

* Do this movement in a semi-flaccid state (4 - 7 on the Stimulation Meter)

* Have a really strong grip on the extension portion of the movement, squeezing the shaft skin and forcing it outwards. When your hand is at the base (at the beginning of the movement), squeeze forcefully (at the lowest point, at the pubic bone) with the thumb at the top and the pinky finger at the bottom. Squeeze hard and force the skin and blood outwards (you can even force the shaft skin over the glans at the end of the movement)

* When returning your hand to the starting position (after the extending movement), open your hand and loosen the grip a bit to allow the blood to stay at the end of the shaft and glans. When you do this, each extending movement brings in more fresh blood to the end of the shaft and glans.

* Keep the penis fully relaxed when extending the penis (tight hand grip), and use a Reverse Kegel (or squeeze the PC muscles) when returning the hand to the base (loosened grip). 

* You should get this technique down and work up to 100 reps per set, and do a few sets (at least) per day.

* (Expert Technique) Once you get the technique down, you can combine the movement with Bending and Side Bending at the very end of the movement (when the shaft skin has been pushed over the glans). This adds to shaft flexibility and the stretching of the penile ligaments.